Backup to a remote FTP server:
Always be prepared!

You can backup your data to a remote FTP server. Using this option, Genie Outlook Backup will upload your backup file to the remote server. You can set the FTP settings by clicking the "Set FTP Settings" Button.

To backup your data to a remote FTP server:

1- Choose Normal backup mode, if Genie Outlook Backup is not already set to Normal Backup, you can do so by pressing the "Switch Layout" button in the main menu
2- Proceed to the second step of the backup wizard process
3- Select "Backup to Local/LAN location or to Remote FTP server"
4- From the "Backup Media Type Settings" group box choose "Backup to Remote FTP Server"

You can only backup your data to a remote FTP server using a single file with compression

FTP Settings:

  • Host: Enter the name of the FTP server you wish to transfer your data to.
  • Port: Enter FTP server port number. The default value is 21.
  • User: Enter your username for the host computer.
  • Password: Enter your password for the host computer.
  • Folder: Enter folder name or leave it empty to backup to the root directory, Its recommended to have that folder created already. In case the folder doesnt exist, Genie Outlook Backup will attempt to create it, but it must be a one level folder.
  • Passive mode: In passive mode, your computer establishes the connection. This may be necessary due to some firewalls that dont allow establishing a connection from outside.
  • Overwrite Prompt: If the file exists on the host computer, Genie Outlook Backup will prompt you to overwrite.
  • Use Pre-configured settings: If u want to use the same settings of your machine, for example: the "proxy settings" from the control panel.
  • Keep backup file on hard disk after uploading: Check this if you want to keep your backup file on hard disk after its been uploaded successfully.
  • Proxy...: Allows you to configure your proxy settings.


Built in Monday, June 24,2003